HERE are a few suggestions on how to start a strong biblically foundational sports ministry:
“Step-by-Step: turning biblical principles into effective ministry”
Podium Illustration: Sports Outreach Principles and Practices of Successful Sports Ministry
Starting a Successful Sports Ministry:
One of the biggest problems for sustainable sports ministry is lack of training and planning.
Step-by-Step: Recruit>Root>Shoot
Step 1) Understand and clearly train your leaders Jesus’ biblical principles for sports ministry.
· Proclamation: How do we proclaim the Gospel in our sports ministry?
· Demonstration: How do we demonstrate God’s love in our sports ministry?
· Maturation: How do we take unchurched sports people through Jesus’ biblical model of discipleship/maturation?
· Leadership: How can we build leaders that will impact the current ministry and have long-term leadership (great husbands/wives, parents, community leaders)?
· Character: How do we create activities that will infuse character into those we are ministering to.